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Uniquely and historically


Following the Ice Age 2.5 million years ago, melting glaciers and oceans along the northern Pacific coast formed nutritive deposits of 60 unique minerals and rare elements. Through out the centuries these reserves were continuously enriched by the constant flow of sea and sand forming what we know today as Glacial Oceanic Clay.

Many moons later, our First Nations people, while harvesting the shores of BC’s northern coast, discovered animal life utilizing the clay to sooth and heal their wounds. Soon after they too harvested the oceanic glacial clay and for centuries, they’ve trusted this natural resource as a skin balm, medicinal ointment and immune system booster.

Several decades ago, in a journey on the lakes of British Columbia, a potent-rich bounty of these glacial oceanic deposits were discovered. To the touch, it was eureka. Instantly soothing and silky soft. Careful harvesting and refining resulted in an all natural, nutrient-rich treasure.

Today, Bl’eau is a blissful escape to a more natural and grounded existence. A way to be in tune with the natural history of Canada. An effortlessly confident radiance allowing you to focus on the things that really matter. Through decades of refinement and environmentally conscious sourcing, we’ve perfected our blend to maximize the power of our Canadian Glacial Oceanic Clay.

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